Megan Hogg

Megan Hogg

Megan Hogg About Megan Hogg Megan Hogg is an Advanced Practice Nurse working in Long Term Follow Up (LTFU) following allogeneic blood and marrow transplant (AlloBMT) at Westmead Hospital, Sydney, NSW, who developed and continues to coordinate the first...
Trish Joyce

Trish Joyce

Trish Joyce About Trish Joyce Trish Joyce is a nurse consultant in the haematology service at the Peter Mac/Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre, Melbourne, Australia. She has worked in inpatient and outpatient settings caring for patients and their families who are...
Nicole Loft

Nicole Loft

Nicole Loft About Nicole Loft Nicole Loft is a Haematology Nurse Practitioner and acting Clinical Practice Director for the Cancer Program at the Royal Adelaide Hospital, CALHN. With over 15 years of haematology nursing experience, her role focuses on supporting...
Cushla Lucas

Cushla Lucas

Cushla Lucas About Cushla Lucas Cushla Lucas is a Regional Manager for Te Aho o Te Kahu, the Cancer Control Agency in Aotearoa New Zealand. The Agency’s mandate to lead and unite efforts to deliver better cancer outcomes is reflected in its name which means the...
Dr Myra Ruka

Dr Myra Ruka

Dr Myra Ruka About Dr Myra Ruka As a Clinical Equity Lead, Clinical Haematologist, cancer researcher and current PhD student with the University of Auckland, Dr Myra Ruka (Raukawa, Ngā Puhi, Ngāti Kuri) has shown leadership in advancing Māori Health Equity and Kaupapa...
A/Prof Benjamin Teh

A/Prof Benjamin Teh

A/Prof Benjamin Teh About A/Prof Benjamin Teh A/Prof Benjamin Teh is an infectious diseases physician and clinical researcher at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and the National Centre for Infections in Cancer. His research interests encompass translational immune...