Prof Peter Middleton Clinical Professor, the University of Sydney
Speaker About Prof Peter Middleton
Research interests include scientific and clinical studies of new CF therapies including the Phase III trial of Trikafta in people with CF with a single F508del mutation published in the NEJM in 2019. This landmark study has already been viewed 60,000 times online and has more than 1600 citations. As well as clinically managing patients following HSCT, Peter has been leading ongoing audits of the diagnosis, management and outcomes of those with pulmonary disease following HSCT. Other interests include the effect of airways disease on women during pregnancy, leading the inaugural ERS-TSANZ taskforce on this topic, presented at the ERS as a State of the Art session and published in the European Respiratory Journal in 2020.
As a Physician Investigator, Peter has been a CI or AI on many NH&MRC and other Australian grants as well as international grants including Canadian Institutes of Health, with grants totalling more than $3 Million. Peter has more than 125 journal articles and chapters with more than 11,000 citations and an h index of 44.